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Multi-Media Educational Resources

Video Resources


We have produced different types of educational video to transfer the anti-sexual violence and gender equality message. Educators are welcomed to display the video in school campus to raise students' awareness of gender equality.


Anti-480 Anti-sexual Violence Resource Center was established in 2005 funded by the Hong Kong Community Chest. It is the service unit based on the Association Concerning Sexual Violence against Women. The center includes lots of local and international resources of sexual violence and gender equality, for examples, books, magazines, newspaper cuttings, videos and educational kits etc. We raise public concern about the seriousness of sexual violence in Hong Kong through school talks, workshops, booths, community education activities and online platforms.


Program Resources






Event Resources




We provide gender materials for teachers or social workers to held activities, including local and overseas sexual violence and gender equality display boards, books, journals, newspaper clippings, videos, teaching kits and other related information. Also we provide gender experiential learning activities to various school, interactive teaching methods like games and drama to provide youth about gender-base violence information. So that youth can learn more about gender-base violence issues and development.










Hong Kong is still lacking of local experience in the implementation of gender equality in education. In order to promote a long-term development in gender equality in education, the integration of a comprehensive and suitable for multimedia teaching resources of local schools is very important.


In addition, it has the practical value in promote the gender equality in education certainly, it also can make use of multimedia teaching resources to promote and encourage the development of gender equality in school curricula with school-based characteristics.




Media Kit

Coming Soon




© 2014 by Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women 

Z-moves Multi-Media Educational Resources

A Member of Community Chest

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